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White Long Hair Dachshund: Discover Our Breed Guide & Tips!

white long hair dachshund

white long hair dachshund

white long hair dachshund

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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the white long hair dachshund breed. These unique dogs are known for their stunning white coat, delightful temperament, and distinctive appearance. In this article, we will provide you with everything you need to know about this breed, including their characteristics, grooming needs, health considerations, and exercise requirements.

If you are considering bringing a white long hair dachshund into your life, it is essential to understand their traits and needs to ensure a happy and healthy life for your new furry friend. We hope this guide proves useful in assisting you in making an informed decision about adding a white long hair dachshund to your family.

Key Takeaways

Characteristics of White Long Hair Dachshunds

White long hair dachshunds are a unique and rare breed with distinctive characteristics. As longhaired dachshund breeders specializing in white dachshund puppies, we understand the importance of finding the perfect companion for your lifestyle. Below are some of the key characteristics of these white wiener dogs.

Size and WeightWhite long hair dachshunds are small dogs, typically weighing between 11 and 32 pounds and standing 8 to 9 inches tall at the shoulder.
Coat Color and TextureAs their name suggests, white long hair dachshunds have a silky, long white coat that is prone to matting. They are often mistaken for another dachshund breed, the cream long hair dachshund, but the white long hair dachshund’s coat is completely white with no cream or yellow undertones.
TemperamentWhite long hair dachshunds are known for their playful and affectionate nature. They are loyal and protective of their owners, making them excellent watchdogs. However, they can be stubborn at times, making training a challenge.
Energy Levels and Exercise NeedsWhile white long hair dachshunds are small dogs, they have high energy levels and require daily exercise. Short walks and playtime both indoors and outdoors are recommended to maintain their physical and mental well-being.

When looking for a white longhaired dachshund, it’s essential to find reputable longhaired dachshund breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their puppies. At our breeding facility, our white dachshund puppies are carefully selected, raised, and socialized to ensure they make the perfect companions for their forever homes.

Grooming and Care for White Long Hair Dachshunds

Grooming and care for white long hair dachshunds require specific attention to their coat and health needs. Due to their long, silky fur, these dachshunds need regular grooming to maintain their coat’s health and appearance.

Brushing: Brush your white long hair dachshund at least once a week to prevent matting and tangling. Use a slicker brush or comb to remove tangles and loose fur. Be gentle, especially around their ears, belly, and legs. These areas are particularly prone to matting.

Bathing: White long hair dachshunds need to be bathed periodically to keep their coat clean and shiny. However, avoid bathing them too frequently as this can strip their coat of natural oils. Bathe them every two to three months using a gentle dog shampoo.

Ear cleaning: Regular ear cleaning is essential for white long hair dachshunds because their long ears can trap moisture and debris, leading to infection. Clean their ears once a week using a damp cotton ball or pad. Avoid using Q-tips, which can damage their ear canal.

Dental care: Dental care is critical for white long hair dachshunds’ overall health. Brush their teeth regularly with a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste to prevent tartar build-up and bad breath. Provide them with dental chews and toys to promote healthy teeth and gums.

Trimming: Trimming your white long hair dachshund’s nails regularly is essential to prevent overgrowth, which can cause discomfort and even affect their gait. Use a clipper or grinder and trim their nails gradually, taking care not to cut the quick, which is a blood vessel in their nail.

By following these grooming and care tips, you can ensure your white long hair dachshund stays healthy, happy, and beautiful.

Training and Socialization for White Long Hair Dachshunds

When it comes to training and socialization, white long hair dachshunds require consistent and patient guidance.

House training: Start by establishing a regular schedule for taking your dog outside, and reward them with praise and treats when they go potty in the appropriate area. Be consistent with your commands, and avoid punishment when accidents happen.

Basic obedience: Use positive reinforcement to teach your white long hair dachshund basic commands such as sit, stay, and come. Keep training sessions fun and short, and avoid harsh discipline.

Leash manners: Training your dog to walk on a leash can be challenging, especially as dachshunds tend to have a strong prey drive. Start by using a harness instead of a collar to avoid any potential neck injuries. Use treats and positive reinforcement to reward your dog for walking calmly by your side.

Early socialization is crucial for white long hair dachshunds to develop into friendly and well-rounded dogs. Expose your dog to different people and environments, and use positive reinforcement to reward good behavior.

Health Considerations for White Long Hair Dachshunds

As with most dog breeds, white long hair dachshunds are prone to certain health issues that owners should be aware of. Here are some of the most common health considerations for this breed:

Health ConcernDescription
Spinal ProblemsDachshunds are known for their elongated bodies, which make them more susceptible to back problems such as intervertebral disc disease (IVDD).
ObesityDue to their love for food, dachshunds are prone to becoming overweight. This can lead to a variety of health issues, including joint problems and heart disease.
Eye IssuesWhite dachshunds may be more prone to certain eye issues such as cataracts and progressive retinal atrophy.
Ear InfectionsDachshunds with long, floppy ears may be more prone to ear infections. It’s important to keep their ears clean and dry to prevent this.

To ensure the best possible health for your white long hair dachshund, it’s important to schedule regular check-ups with a trusted veterinarian and maintain a balanced diet. When looking for a white long hair dachshund, make sure to find a reputable longhaired dachshund breeder who prioritizes the health and well-being of their puppies.

Exercise and Playtime for White Long Hair Dachshunds

White long hair dachshunds are energetic and playful dogs that require regular exercise and playtime to maintain their physical and mental well-being. We recommend providing them with at least 30 minutes of exercise daily, divided into two or three shorter sessions.

A brisk walk around the neighborhood is an excellent way to burn off some energy and keep these dogs in shape. Additionally, white long hair dachshunds love interactive toys that challenge their intelligence and problem-solving skills. Puzzle toys, treat dispensers, and chew toys can keep them occupied and mentally stimulated.

However, it’s important to note that white long hair dachshunds are prone to back problems, so high-impact activities such as jumping or rigorous play should be avoided. Supervision during playtime is necessary to ensure their safety and to prevent them from overexerting themselves.

As with any dog, mental stimulation is just as important as physical exercise. White long hair dachshunds are intelligent dogs that benefit from mental stimulation games such as hide-and-seek or training exercises that teach them new skills and tricks. These types of activities can help strengthen your bond with your dog and provide them with the necessary mental stimulation they need to be happy and healthy.


We hope this guide has provided valuable insight into the world of white long hair dachshunds. These unique and beautiful dogs have distinctive characteristics that set them apart from other dachshund varieties. From their playful and energetic personalities to their stunning coat color and texture, white long hair dachshunds bring joy and companionship to their owners.

Proper care and attention are crucial for the health and happiness of these white longhaired dachshunds. Regular grooming, exercise, and socialization are essential for maintaining their physical and mental well-being. It is also vital to obtain a white long hair dachshund from reputable longhaired dachshund breeders who prioritize the health of their puppies.

If you are considering adding a white long hair dachshund to your family, we encourage you to do your research, ask questions, and find a breeder you trust. With the right care and love, these delightful dogs make loyal and loving companions for years to come.

white long hair dachshund
White Long Hair Dachshunds

Q: What is a white long hair dachshund?

A: A white long hair dachshund is a specific color and coat variation of the dachshund breed. They have a long, white, fluffy coat that sets them apart from other dachshunds.

Q: Are white long hair dachshunds rare?

A: Yes, white long hair dachshunds are considered rare. Their white coat color and long hair are not as common as the more traditional dachshund coat variations.

Q: How do I find a white long hair dachshund breeder?

A: To find a reputable white long hair dachshund breeder, it is important to do thorough research. Look for breeders who prioritize the health and well-being of their dogs and have a good reputation within the dachshund community.

Q: What are the grooming requirements for white long hair dachshunds?

A: White long hair dachshunds require regular brushing to keep their coat free from tangles and mats. It is also important to regularly clean their ears and maintain good dental hygiene.

Q: Can white long hair dachshunds be trained easily?

A: Yes, white long hair dachshunds are generally intelligent and trainable. However, consistency and positive reinforcement are key when it comes to training them.

Q: What health issues can affect white long hair dachshunds?

A: White long hair dachshunds can be prone to spinal problems, obesity, and other health issues common to the dachshund breed. Regular veterinary check-ups and a balanced diet are important for their overall health.

Q: How much exercise do white long hair dachshunds need?

A: White long hair dachshunds require regular exercise to keep them physically and mentally stimulated. Daily walks and interactive play sessions are recommended to meet their exercise needs.

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