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Discover the Charm of a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund

long haired Isabella dachshund

long haired Isabella dachshund

long haired Isabella dachshund

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Welcome to our article on the captivating allure of owning a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund. This unique breed is prized for its long, luscious coat and charming personality. In this section, we will introduce you to this breed and highlight their unique characteristics, temperament, and grooming tips.

Key Takeaways:

What is a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund?

Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds are a unique variety of the Dachshund breed, known for their long, flowing coats and distinctive coloration. They are a charming and captivating breed, with a range of characteristics that set them apart from other Dachshund varieties.


Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds have long, flowing coats that can be silky or slightly wavy in texture. Their coats are usually a rich shade of brown with a slightly reddish tint, and they may have a black or dark brown nose and nails. They have long, droopy ears and short legs, which are characteristic of all Dachshunds. They are a small to medium-sized breed, typically weighing between 16 and 32 pounds.

Coat Type and Coloration

The coat of a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund is its most distinctive feature. The long, flowing coat is made up of soft, fine hair that requires regular grooming to keep it looking its best. The coat is typically a rich shade of brown with a reddish tint, although some individuals may have a more coppery or golden tone. They may also have white markings on their chests and/or feet.

Distinctive Features

Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds share many of the characteristics that make Dachshunds such a popular breed. They are known for their loyalty, intelligence, playfulness, and affection for their owners. They are also known for their tenacity and courage, which makes them excellent watchdogs despite their small size.

One distinctive feature of Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds is their long, flowing coat. This makes them stand out from other Dachshund varieties, which typically have short, smooth coats. Their coat requires regular grooming to keep it looking its best.

Another distinctive feature of Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds is their coloration. Their rich, reddish-brown coats are a unique and eye-catching feature, and they are sure to turn heads wherever they go.

Understanding the Temperament of a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund

When it comes to temperament, Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds are known for their loyalty and affectionate nature. They thrive on the attention and love of their owners and make excellent companion dogs.

These dogs are intelligent and alert, making them great watchdogs despite their small size. They are playful and energetic, often enjoying games and outdoor activities with their owners. However, they also have a tendency to become stubborn and may need consistent training and reinforcement of good behavior.

Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds are social creatures and enjoy being around people and other pets. They have a tendency to become attached to their owners and may experience separation anxiety when left alone for extended periods.

“These dogs are intelligent and alert, making them great watchdogs despite their small size.”

It is important to note that Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds may not be the best choice for families with very young children or other pets, as they can sometimes become possessive and territorial. Early socialization and training can help to mitigate these tendencies, however.

Grooming Tips for Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds

Grooming is an essential part of caring for your Long Haired Isabella Dachshund, especially with their long and silky coat. Follow these grooming tips to keep your dog looking their best:


Brush your Long Haired Isabella Dachshund regularly to prevent matting and tangling. Start by using a slicker brush to remove any loose fur, then use a comb to work through any knots gently. Make sure to brush their feathering on the legs and ears, which can easily become knotted.


Bathe your Long Haired Isabella Dachshund every four to six weeks to keep their coat clean and shiny. Use a gentle shampoo made for dogs to avoid drying out their skin. Make sure to rinse thoroughly to prevent any leftover shampoo residue.

Coat Maintenance

Trim the hair under your dog’s paws to prevent slipping and tearing. Trim around the anus to keep your Long Haired Isabella Dachshund clean. You can also trim their nails regularly to prevent them from becoming overgrown and uncomfortable.

Additional Grooming Practices

Regularly check your Long Haired Isabella Dachshund’s ears and teeth to ensure their optimal health. Clean their ears with a damp cloth and brush their teeth with a soft-bristled brush and canine toothpaste. Lastly, make sure to schedule regular check-ups with your veterinarian to maintain your dog’s overall well-being.

Finding a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund: Breeders and Adoption

Looking to bring home a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund? There are several ways to find a reputable breeder or adoption center:

  1. Start with a simple online search using relevant keywords such as Long Haired Isabella Dachshund for Sale or Isabella Dachshund with Long Hair Breeders. This will provide you with a list of breeders or adoption centers in your area.
  2. Check out online directories such as the American Kennel Club or the Dachshund Club of America for a comprehensive list of registered breeders.
  3. Ask for recommendations from friends or family who may have owned or know someone who owns a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund.

Once you have a list of potential breeders or adoption centers, it’s crucial to do your research and ask the right questions to ensure a responsible and ethical process of obtaining your new furry friend. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Questions to AskWhy It’s Important
What is the breeder or adoption center’s reputation?You want to ensure that the breeder or adoption center has a good reputation in terms of ethics, quality of dogs, and customer service.
Can I see where the puppies are kept?It’s important to see the living conditions of the puppies to ensure their health and well-being.
What health tests have been performed on the puppy’s parents?Health tests such as hip dysplasia and eye exams can help prevent potential health issues down the road.
What kind of socialization has the puppy received?Proper socialization during the puppy stage can lead to a well-adjusted and well-behaved adult dog.

Remember to always prioritize the welfare of the dog over anything else, and to never support irresponsible breeding practices or puppy mills. Finding a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund may take time and effort, but the reward of bringing home a loving and loyal companion is worth it.

Long Haired Isabella Dachshund Puppies: What to Expect

Bringing home a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund puppy can be an exciting and daunting experience. Here are some things to expect during the puppy stage:

Overall, with proper care, attention, and training, your Long Haired Isabella Dachshund puppy can grow up to be a wonderful and loving companion.

Connection and Bonding with a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund

As we mentioned earlier, Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds are known for their affectionate and loyal dispositions. These dogs form deep connections with their owners and are always eager to please. Whether it’s snuggling on the couch or going for a hike, your Long Haired Isabella Dachshund will want to be by your side every step of the way.

Training and socialization are crucial to developing a strong bond with your Long Haired Isabella Dachshund. Positive reinforcement methods work well with this breed, as they are sensitive to harsh discipline. Consistency and patience are key to teaching them good behavior habits and building trust in your relationship.

Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds thrive on attention and interaction, making them excellent companions for families with children or other pets. They have a playful and curious nature, which can provide endless entertainment for all involved. Whether it’s a game of fetch or a leisurely walk around the block, your Long Haired Isabella Dachshund will relish in any time spent with you.

Overall, the bond that forms between a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund and their owner can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience. Their love, companionship, and unwavering loyalty will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on anyone lucky enough to have them in their lives.


After taking a closer look at the Long Haired Isabella Dachshund, we hope we have conveyed just how charming and unique this breed truly is. From their captivating appearance to their playful and loyal temperament, Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds make for wonderful companions and cherished family members.

If you are considering adding a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund to your family, we encourage you to do your research and find a reputable breeder or adoption center. Proper care and attention can ensure a happy and healthy life for your furry friend.

Thank you for taking the time to explore this wonderful breed with us. We hope we have provided valuable insights into the world of Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds.

long haired Isabella dachshund
Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds
Long Haired Isabella Dachshund Puppies

Q: Are Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds a rare breed?

A: Yes, Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds are considered a rare breed. Their unique coat color and long hair make them highly sought after by dog enthusiasts.

Q: How often should I groom my Long Haired Isabella Dachshund?

A: It is recommended to brush your Long Haired Isabella Dachshund’s coat at least once a week to prevent tangles and mats. Regular grooming will keep their coat healthy and shiny.

Q: What is the typical size of a Long Haired Isabella Dachshund?

A: Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds are a small breed, typically weighing between 11 to 32 pounds and standing at a height of 8 to 10 inches at the shoulder.

Q: Are Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds good with children?

A: Yes, Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds can be great family pets and are generally good with children. However, it is important to supervise interactions between young children and dogs to ensure safety and prevent any accidental injury.

Q: How much exercise do Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds need?

A: Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds have moderate exercise needs. Daily walks and playtime in a fenced yard are usually sufficient to keep them happy and healthy.

Q: Can Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds be left alone for long periods?

A: Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds are social dogs and may become anxious or bored if left alone for long periods. It is recommended to provide them with companionship and mental stimulation to prevent behavioral issues.

Q: Do Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds shed a lot?

A: Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds have a moderate shedding level. Regular brushing can help minimize shedding and keep their coat clean and healthy.

Q: Are Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds easy to train?

A: Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds are intelligent and can be trained with consistency and positive reinforcement. However, they can also be independent and stubborn at times, so patience and persistence are key.

Q: How long do Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds typically live?

A: Long Haired Isabella Dachshunds have an average lifespan of 12 to 16 years. With proper care, diet, and regular veterinary check-ups, they can live a long and healthy life.

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