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Discover Adult Long Haired Dachshunds: Breed Info & Care Tips

Adult long haired dachshund

Adult long haired dachshund

Adult long haired dachshund

Adult long haired dachshund, Find miniature Dachshund Breeders in your area and helpful Dachshund tips and information

Welcome to our guide on adult long haired dachshunds! In this section, we will provide you with an overview of this unique breed, their temperament, and what makes them great family pets. We’ll also give you insights into finding reputable long haired dachshund breeders and tips for selecting the perfect adult long haired dachshund for your home.

Key Takeaways:

Understanding the Long Haired Dachshund Breed

Long haired dachshunds are a unique breed with distinctive characteristics that set them apart from other dogs. They have long, flowing coats that require regular grooming to keep them silky and smooth. Their body shape is also quite distinctive, with short legs and a long body that make them well-suited for digging and hunting.

One of the things that make long haired dachshunds stand out is their friendly and adaptable nature. They are known for their affectionate personalities and love to be around people. This makes them great family pets, as they get along well with children and other animals.

However, like all breeds, long haired dachshunds have potential health concerns that owners should be aware of. Some common issues include back problems, ear infections, and obesity. It’s important to work closely with a veterinarian to ensure that your long haired dachshund stays healthy and happy throughout their life.

Physical Characteristics

The physical appearance of a long haired dachshund is what sets them apart from other breeds. As mentioned, they have long, flowing coats that require regular grooming to keep them healthy and silky. They also have unique body proportions, with short legs and a long body that enable them to burrow and dig.

CoatLong, soft, and silky, with feathering on the ears, chest, and tail
ColorCan be any solid color or a combination of colors, including black, brown, cream, and red
SizeSmall, with an average weight of 11-16 pounds
Body ShapeShort legs, long body, and deep chest, which makes them well-suited for digging and hunting


Long haired dachshunds are known for their friendly and adaptable nature. They are affectionate dogs that love to be around people and get along well with children and other animals. They are also intelligent and playful, which makes them great companions for families.

“Long haired dachshunds have a unique personality that is both lovable and entertaining. They have a playful spirit and love to spend time with their families.”

Health Concerns

As previously mentioned, long haired dachshunds can have health concerns that owners should be aware of. One of the most common issues is back problems, due to their unique body shape. Owners should work closely with a veterinarian to monitor their dog’s back and spine health.

Other potential health issues include ear infections, dental problems, and obesity. Owners should ensure that their long haired dachshund receives regular grooming, dental care, and exercise to maintain optimal health.

By understanding the unique characteristics and potential health concerns of long haired dachshunds, owners can provide the best possible care for their furry companion. In the next section, we will discuss essential care tips and guidelines to keep your adult long haired dachshund healthy and happy.

Caring for Your Adult Long Haired Dachshund

When it comes to caring for your adult long haired dachshund, there are several important factors to consider. By following these tips, you can ensure that your furry friend stays healthy and happy for years to come.


Long haired dachshunds require regular grooming to keep their beautiful coats looking their best. Brushing their hair every day can help prevent matting and tangles, and reduce the amount of shedding. You may also need to trim their hair around their ears, paws, and tail to keep them neat and tidy.

Exercise and Playtime

Adult long haired dachshunds require regular exercise to maintain their health and prevent boredom. Daily walks, playtime in the yard, and interactive toys all provide great opportunities for your dog to burn off energy and stay active. However, it’s important to avoid overexerting your dachshund, as their long backs can be prone to injury.

Diet and Nutrition

Choosing the right diet for your adult long haired dachshund is crucial to their overall health and well-being. A high-quality dog food that is appropriate for their age, size, and activity level can help prevent obesity and other health problems. Be sure to avoid table scraps and human food, as these can upset their stomachs and lead to digestive issues.

Regular Veterinary Care

Regular checkups with a veterinarian are essential to maintaining your long haired dachshund’s health. Routine vaccinations, parasite prevention, and dental care are important components of their overall wellness. Additionally, prompt attention to any concerning symptoms or changes in behavior can help catch potential health problems early on.

Finding an Adult Long Haired Dachshund

If you’re interested in adding an adult long haired dachshund to your family, finding a reputable breeder is an essential step in the process.

Start by doing research online. Look for long haired dachshund breeders in your area and read reviews from previous customers. You can also check with national breed clubs, such as the American Kennel Club, for a list of reputable breeders.

Once you’ve identified a breeder, it’s important to ask questions about their breeding practices and the health of their dogs. A good breeder will be happy to answer your questions and provide documentation of health screenings for their adult long haired dachshunds and their puppies.

It’s also a good idea to visit the breeder and meet the adult long haired dachshunds in person. This will give you a sense of their temperament and allow you to see their living conditions.

If you’re not looking for a puppy, you can also consider adopting an adult long haired dachshund from a breed-specific rescue organization or through a local animal shelter.

Regardless of where you find your adult long haired dachshund, be prepared to provide a loving and attentive home for these affectionate and devoted dogs.

Caring for Your Adult Long Haired Dachshund

As loving pet owners, it’s our responsibility to keep our adult long haired dachshunds healthy and happy. Here are some tips to help you provide the best care possible:


Long haired dachshunds require regular grooming to maintain their beautiful coats. Brushing their fur at least once a week will help prevent tangles and matting. You can also use a detangler spray to make brushing easier. Additionally, make sure to trim their nails regularly and clean their ears to prevent infections.

Exercise and Nutrition

Adult long haired dachshunds have relatively low exercise needs compared to other breeds, but they do require daily walks and playtime. Feeding them high-quality dog food that meets their nutritional needs is also important. Avoid overfeeding or giving them too many treats, as they can quickly gain weight and become overweight.

Regular Veterinary Care

Regular check-ups with a veterinarian can help identify potential health issues early on. Adult long haired dachshunds are prone to certain health concerns, such as back problems, so it’s essential to keep up with their veterinary appointments. Additionally, make sure they’re up to date on their vaccinations and heartworm prevention medication.

Training and Socialization

Training and socialization are crucial for long haired dachshunds to become well-adjusted members of your family. Positive reinforcement training methods work best, and consistency is key. Additionally, introduce them to new people, places, and other dogs to help them become comfortable and confident in different situations.


Owning an adult long haired dachshund can be a wonderful experience, but it also requires time, effort, and commitment. By following these care tips and providing them with love and attention, you can ensure that your dachshund is healthy and happy for years to come.

Adult long haired dachshund

Q: How long do adult long haired dachshunds live?

A: On average, adult long haired dachshunds have a lifespan of 12 to 16 years.

Q: Are long haired dachshunds good with children?

A: Yes, long haired dachshunds are generally good with children, but supervision is always recommended.

Q: Do long haired dachshunds require a lot of grooming?

A: Yes, the long hair of dachshunds requires regular brushing and occasional professional grooming.

Q: How much exercise do adult long haired dachshunds need?

A: Adult long haired dachshunds require moderate exercise, such as daily walks and playtime.

Q: Do long haired dachshunds have any common health issues?

A: Yes, long haired dachshunds are prone to certain health issues, including back problems and obesity.

Q: Where can I find reputable long haired dachshund breeders?

A: It is recommended to research and contact local dachshund breed clubs or reputable breeders’ directories for information on reputable breeders.

Q: How can I adopt an adult long haired dachshund?

A: You can contact local dachshund rescue organizations or search online adoption websites for adult long haired dachshunds in need of a home.

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